Services & Appointments FAQ

  • Do service appointments cost money?

    There is no cost for a service call during normal business hours. However, there is a fee for after-hours service calls. Please contact our Customer Service Center at (800) 422-5987 for details.

  • How do I cancel my service appointment?

    At least 24 hours in advance, please call our Customer Service Center at  (800) 422-5987 and we will be happy to assist you with cancelling your appointment.

  • How do I confirm the identity of a Veolia North America employee?

    Our employees wear a uniform with our company name and logo, drive a branded vehicle, and also carry photo identification. If there is ever a question, call our office at (800) 422-5987  while the person, at your door, waits outside.

  • How do I request a service call?

    Please contact our Customer Service Center at (800) 422-5987 and we will be happy to arrange a service call.

  • How do I reschedule my service call?

    At least 24 hours in advance, please call our Customer Service Center at (800) 422-5987 and we will be happy to assist you with rescheduling. Note that not all of our locations offer specific appointment times for service calls.

  • What do I need to do before a service call?

    Please ensure that the meter and/or meter pit is easily accessible. This will save time and ensure the safety of our employees.