Cascading Stream
Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers. Here you’ll find helpful information on making changes to your water service, understanding your bill, dealing with emergencies and more.

Emergency FAQ
Got a leak on your property, or see a lot of water bubbling up on the street? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Watering can watering pink flowers
Plumber working under sink
Billing FAQ
Have questions about the charges on your bill? Want to find out more about Paperless Billing? Find answers here.
Payments FAQ
Find out more about all of our convenient options for paying your bill, getting assistance with payment plans and more.
Woman fixing a leak under a her sink at home
Washing vegetables under a faucet
Collections FAQ
Did you receive a call from our collections department? Want to find out more about payment options available?
Online & Account FAQ
Have a question about one of our account features? Want to change your settings or profile information? We’ll walk you through all the steps.
Watering can watering pink flowers
Woman fixing a leak under a her sink at home
Services & Appointments FAQ
Want to know how to schedule or reschedule a service appointment? Or how to identify one of our employees? Find answers to these and other service-related questions here.
Water Meter FAQ
Need help locating your water meter or shut-off valve? Curious about how your meter gets read? Find out here.
tool being user to measure electric current
Washing an apple under a faucet
Water Quality FAQ
Curious the quality of your water? Want to learn more about our advanced wastewater treatment process? Get the scoop here.
Conservation FAQ
Learn more about important water conservation concepts such as Evapotranspiration, and start saving more water.
people volunteering in a park
Hand using a fax machine
Additional Services FAQ
Interested in services for people with disabilities? Or looking for more info on our partner HomeServe? You’ll find these answers here
Complaints FAQ
We strive to provide the best possible customer experience and we value your input. In this section, you’ll find more information on the process of filing a complaint.
Two people in a call center