Collections FAQ

There is only a fee to reconnect water when it has been turned off for non-payment. The amount of the fee varies depending on your location and when the water is reconnected.

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If payment is not received by the date indicated on your bill, you will receive a late payment charge that is 1.5% of the overdue balance.

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The message gives instructions to contact a telephone number and use the PIN supplied in the message to make payment on your account. If you need additional assistance, please contact our Customer Service Center at  (800) 242-5695 For Idaho customers only: note that the PIN # is not provided. Please contact our Customer Service Center at (800) 242-5695

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Please call or email the local Customer Service Center at (800) 242-5695  send us a message through our Contact Us form. We will make any necessary corrections.

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Veolia Cares is our non-profit program that helps customers who need temporary financial assistance with paying their water bill.

*This program is only available for customers in New Jersey, New York, Toms River, Owego/Nichols, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Idaho.*

Please call our Customer Service Center at (800) 242-5695 for additional details on the program, and how to apply.

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