Jersey City: Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring

Jersey City: Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring 

Jersey City’s water system has recently undergone sampling for a series of unregulated contaminants. Unregulated contaminants are substances for which no drinking water standard has been established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The purpose of monitoring these contaminants is to assist the EPA in determining whether regulatory standards should be established.

As valued customers, we want to ensure that you are informed about this process. Sample results are now available for review. If you wish to examine the results, please see the attached file below.

For any further inquiries or questions, please contact Veolia Jersey City at 800-575-4433.

Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring - Jersey City - FAQ 


Q: I am a Jersey City resident. Why have I received this notification about an “Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule,” and what does it mean?


The City of Jersey City’s water system has recently undergone required sampling for a series of unregulated contaminants. The purpose of monitoring these contaminants is to assist the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in determining whether regulatory standards should be established.


Once testing is completed, water systems must notify customers within 12 months that the testing took place, and what the results were. Typically that would coincide with the Annual Water Quality Report, but because Jersey City’s water system took the initiative to test early, this separate notification was required.


Veolia wants to ensure that our valued customers in Jersey City are informed about this process and that the water system is taking proactive steps on behalf of public health. The information you are receiving via this notification will also be on the Annual Water Quality Report. There are no additional steps required on your part – this notification is purely informational.


Q: What are “Unregulated Contaminants,” and what do they mean for the Jersey City water system? 


The federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that the EPA issue a list of unregulated contaminants to be monitored by public water systems once every five years. Unregulated contaminants are substances for which no drinking water standard has yet been established by the EPA. Through monitoring programs like the one executed by Jersey City’s water system, regulatory agencies such as the EPA and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) are developing a strategic roadmap to help determine future regulations and other actions to protect public health under the SDWA. 


UCMR5 will provide new data that will improve the EPA’s understanding of the frequency that various substances which are currently unregulated are found in the nation’s drinking water systems, and at what levels. The monitoring of these substances will help the EPA determine  future regulations and other actions to protect public health under SDWA. The data will also ensure science-based decision-making, help the agency better assess environmental justice concerns, and allow the EPA, the state, and the water system to target solutions.


Q: What does this data mean for Jersey City water customers?


The Jersey City water system supports the EPA's proactive efforts to help develop standards as a result of these monitoring programs.


Measurements are in parts per trillion. One part per trillion is equivalent to one grain of sand in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.


For more information, please see EPA’s health advisories for certain PFAS

To learn more about PFAS and steps that can be taken to reduce risks, visit:

 Jersey City UCMR 5 Results List S1-S4.pdf

 Jersey City UCMR5 FAQ.pdf