Emergency Info FAQ

If you think you may have a leak but are not sure, you can find out by turning off all appliances and fixtures that use water, and then check your water meter to see if it is spinning. If it is, you know there’s a leak.

If you would like assistance in determining whether there is a leak, or if you can’t safely access your meter, please call our Customer Service Center at .

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If you know you have a leak, turn off the water to the appliance or fixture that is leaking, or turn off the main valve to the building. Then contact a plumber to fix the leak.

If you think that your piping may not be the cause of the leak, please call our Customer Service Center at 

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Please contact our Customer Service Center immediately at to report the incident. Any information you can provide is helpful, including where you saw the water, how much was leaking, and for how long.

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Please contact our Customer Service Center at with your plumber. Note that a fee may apply for appointments during non-business hours.

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Please contact our Customer Service Center at Our Field Personnel will investigate to confirm whether the leak is caused by pipes that we manage, or pipes on your property that you are responsible for maintaining. If it is the latter, you should contact a plumber to fix the problem.

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