Outages & Alerts

Outages & Alerts

Use our map to pinpoint important notifications in your area. Sign up to receive emergency email alerts below, by checking the box you can add general maintenance alerts as well.
Sign Up for Alerts
Emergency alerts- Help image

Emergency alerts

For example: Do Not Drink Alerts or Boil Water Advisories.
Maintenance alerts- Help image

Maintenance alerts

For example: Planned Outages, Unplanned Outages or Flushing.

Outages & alerts advisory map

Enter your location to find out if there are any outages or alerts in your area, or for the wider view choose from the area menu.


  • Do Not Drink
  • Unplanned Outage
  • Boil Water Alert
  • Planned Outage (Maintenance)
  • Fire Hydrant/water Main Flushing

I see water in the street bubbling up, what do I do?

Please contact our Customer Service Center immediately at (877) 303-2435 to report the incident. Any information you can provide is helpful, including where you saw the water, how much was leaking, and for how long.

I have a lot of water in my yard, what do I do?

Please contact our Customer Service Center at (877) 303-2435 Our Field Personnel will investigate to confirm whether the leak is caused by pipes that we manage, or pipes on your property that you are responsible for maintaining. If it is the latter, you should contact a plumber to fix the problem.